Exhibition: PROVADA   

Bruynzeel Kitchens

"Clearly explaining to customers what we stand for and what we can do for them," says Bruynzeel Kitchens. Developing the theme 'The Customer Journey' into a booth concept was the challenge that Eldee's team took on. The result?



Surface Area

110 sqm



A circular booth with a clear step-by-step plan, mostly made from natural materials. As a finishing touch, trade show visitors could literally and figuratively taste Bruynzeel Kitchens' flavors thanks to the live chef. Watch the impression in the video below!

Be inspired!

Other projects

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A modular booth that can be deployed on a trade show floor ranging from 8 sqm to 110 sqm. These are precisely the challenges that make us extremely happy.

Atlas Copco Compressors

A high-end inspiration route? Bring it on! The ABB Update Event. Engaging speakers, knowledge sessions, and… if we may say so… a truly beautiful inspiration route with custom event decor.