Staying ahead is a must. But to continually sense trends or, even better, to create them, you must be willing to invest. The newest toy on the Eldee playground is the CNC milling machine Masterwood 21.31KS. A what? Yes, that’s precisely what our super-enthusiastic designer Robert Lourens is more than happy to explain.
Robert, what have you acquired this time?
R: “The CNC milling machine Masterwood 21.31KS.”
And now, in layman’s terms…?
R: “A milling machine that allows us to directly create the most beautiful elements from the design program.”
Okay, sounds good, but what exactly do our customers get out of it?
R: “The added value is that you can have wooden furniture designed entirely to your liking. So, exactly according to the customer’s wishes and requirements. And perhaps even beyond. Everything is possible on the computer; it’s even more amazing when you can make it happen in practice.”
Can you provide an example?
R: “Actually, the CNC machine can mill almost anything from wood. So, creating a round counter with a logo milled into it is no problem at all.”
It sounds like it doesn’t have to be just for booths.
R: “That’s correct. In fact, I think it would be a shame to have these beautiful products made solely for an event. They are highly sustainable and deserve a nice place in the office or at home.”
Do you think Eldee has hit the mark with this acquisition?
R: “To be honest, it’s amazing to work for a company that is constantly willing to try new things. With our new CNC machine, there are no limits to design anymore. You will see this reflected in our booths at various trade shows. In our industry, it’s all about standing out, which means applying new developments precisely. This is a typical example of making a difference. I already know that customers will specifically inquire about this. Eldee remains a pioneer in booth construction.”
With such a state-of-the-art piece of technology, it seems that humans might become obsolete…
R: “The people who operate a CNC machine are technical, detail-oriented, and knowledgeable about the properties of wood. They are truly the perfectionists at Eldee. So, no matter how smart machines become, they will never be able to operate without the creative insight of humans. To infuse something with authenticity, you need a human touch. The feeling, passion, and love of the designer are essential. Love for the project and for the material. In this case, love for wood.”
So, you do love working with wood?
R: “These days, a lot more materials are used than just wood. More knowledge is required for the audiovisual aspects, for example. But wood is and remains a beautiful material with endless possibilities. There’s something truly artisanal about working with wood that can’t be matched by any other material.”
Isn’t it challenging to continually master these new technologies?
R: “The employees operating the CNC machine receive additional training to ensure the machine functions as smoothly as possible. We’re all eager to get in line for that. Everyone wants to work with such a machine. These are the highlights of my work.”
When you can create without limits, how do you actually know what you want to make?
R: “We try to attend as many trade shows as possible and follow trends. Every month, we create a mood board for the employees to visualize the latest trends. This way, everyone is at least up-to-date, but the coolest part is, of course, building on those trends. It keeps you and your team sharp and forward-thinking.”
Curious how we translate your specific wishes into a stand design? Make an appointment.